Gold Coast MG Car Club

Classified ads: For Swap

Buy, Sell, Swap and Wanted Ads are published on our website and printed in our club's magazine, The Time Machine.

What does it cost?

  • Ads will be charged in blocks of 10 lines (as set out in the clubs magazine) or part thereof
  • One block of 10 lines is free of charge to financial Gold Coast MG Car Club members 
  • Additional blocks are charged at $10.00 per block or part thereof
  • A photo is equivalent to one block (Note: up to 4 photos can be displayed on the website with each advert)

Ads will appear on our website and in The Time Machine for a period of three issues (six months) unless requested otherwise.Please inform out Classifieds manager of a successful sale.

Enquires can be made to our Classifieds manager HERE


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Gold Coast MG Car Club
PO Box 1018 Southport QLD 4215
Phone 0418 568 990
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